
Thursday, June 30, 2005


  1. To hesitate as if in fear or doubt. (this is me in boggle... and I don't know why because I am already being laughed at, so why not add more things to laugh at and throw in some weird misspelled words). Haha.
  2. To shy away or be overcome with fright or astonishment: "The mind now boggling at all the numbers on the table, both sides agreed to a recess of an hour" (Henry A. Kissinger).
  3. To act ineptly or inefficiently; bungle. (aka me while playing BOGGLE)

amaze, bedazzle, awe, be unbelievable, bewilder, astonish, blow one away, blow one's mind, bowl over, confound, astound, dazzle, dumbfound, flabbergast, knock one's socks off, perplex, stagger, strike dumb, stun, stupefy

I WAS BEATEN AGAIN!!! I should have quit while I was ahead in the first hour of playing (and not played until 11:45... what was I thinking?!?--heh) Actually, I am not upset about it. I was beaten by a much better person then myself. It is a good thing it wasn't one of my siblings that will rub it in again and again. Heh. Congratulations Jared on a job well done! I will win one of these days.

And on a side note: the only problem with listening to soundtracks at work is that the volume increases and decreases dramatically. So I am constantly adjusting my speakers so that either I can hear it (because it is so quiet) or so that the rest of the office doesn't have to hear it (because it is crazy loud).

And I ordered my photos from the wedding. If anyone wants a copy (why you would... I really don't know... ) but if you do, ask me (I still have like 10 free print to use... I may just get them anyhow since I don't have anything else to print off there... anyhow, if you want a copy let me know). I will have them. YAY!!! I have two beautiful sisters in a picture with me and a mysterious little brother. Heh.

The grace of our God is ever new. Only what is done for God will last.


  1. hey dollbaby, i want that picture! gimmeeeee it! i hope you are having a splendid day of this life we are living....god grant you joy and strength:) mucho mucho luhvo

  2. okay, will do.
    I am having a splendid day in this life we are living (I love the way you said that--I had to repeat it-- heh). I am sitting at work listening to Rebecca St. James and Alison Krauss and trying to figure out what is wrong with this fomula in my spreadsheet. :) Haha.
    This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
    Psalms 1:1-2 "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
    And in His law he meditates day and night. "
    Never growing weary in doing good. Keep pressing on! I love you and I am praying for you.
