Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This is pretty much a rant about life that I wrote on facebook.
You can read it if you need something to do.
Otherwise, it is boring so skip it.

I didn't go home this weekend, even thought I had planned to (because Jared was singing in a wedding and I love to hear Jared sing). I stayed in College Park and did homework all weekend and worked on Projects. I thought, maybe if I get all this stuff finished now I will be able to relax a bit next week. Well, it has been the complete oppisite of that!!

I have a research paper due Thursday and I have finished all my parts, but my partner for the project has dropped off the face of the planet. We were supposed to swap copies and proof read each others work this weekend (make that Thursday) and have the project finished by Sunday evening. As of today, I haven't heard from him. So instead of being finished this project, like I thought I was, I have to go and rewrite his whole project and make it flow and fit everythign together. I also have to write a cover letter and summary (both his jobs - but since I haven't heard from him, who knows if they are completed). So that is job one that popped out of nowhere. I don't think I have ever been this mad at one person before. I just want to curse whenever I think of him and I never swear. So...

Second, I get to class on Monday and I already knew that we had a presentation due on Wednesday. It was easy stuff, put together a powerpoint and write down a few equations. That is all that he told us two weeks ago and that is all it says online. Well, the rest of my team is busy on other things so I was putting together the powerpoint. Monday, in class he tells us that we also have to turn in a five to six page report on the subject. This wouldn't be bad if I wasn't writing it alone. So I spend some of today meeting with various teammates and trying to get parts written.

Third, I checked online and in this folder that no one can see, on blackboard, there was a homework assignment due this thursday. Why didn't the professor post a note saying that he has put this homework up? Nobody in the class knows. We just know that we have homework due and it was hidden from us until Monday.

So, where did all this work come from and what did I do all weekend? Those are very good questions that I would love to have answered. Maybe I was working on my fluids homework, or the fluids powerpoint, or maybe my indiviual reseach paper for english, or maybe studying for my test in project design, or working on my Dewalt design project... or maybe all those things together. And I was so happy to finish them all and now, I am even more happy that I spend the weekend here and finished them all. If I had waited and tried to do them now, I would be about to go crazy... well, I am about to go crazy now... but I would have probably gone crazy.

So, where does this leave us? Ummmm, I should go do some work. Never be writing patners with someone who randomly disappears a week before the paper is due. Make sure you do your homework before the night before. I guess that is about it. Maybe I will see you all this summer. Life has got to slow down soon.


  1. Maybe your presentation partner is a dolt-or maybe he could be in the middle of a life crisis. (Just giving two sides).
    Your school work sounds like the "job site". Your boss forgot to tell you an extra job he needs done, your co-worker is in the middle of a divorce,etc.,etc.!
    Press on!

  2. Personally, I think he died because he has been pretty good about responding to emails before now.

  3. Praying for you! Love you!

  4. Thanks for the compliment; but, Faith, you need a professional photographer for your wedding, dear. (:

    When you come home you can pose for me. I'm always happy when people are willing. Unfortunately, my family is very rarely willing...*shakes head*

    I like to shadow people and get some good pictures. Heh.


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