Sunday, September 03, 2017

Another year

It's that time of year again. While everyone else in my house took a two hour quiet/nap time I dug into a new ESL book and started some lesson plans for this fall. Can you believe that it is already September?!? I'm teaching the first four weeks of the semester. I'm trying to get a head start on these lesson plans before life happens. 

I'd like to have time to plan some schoolwork for the boys too instead of just making it up off the top of my was each day. In case you didn't notice, I'm a planner. Ha ha  we've been doing lots of puzzles, games, reading, and flash cards when they ask, but it feels disjointed.  I'd like a little more structure two or three days a week. Nothing big. Maybe an hour or two of planned activities that sort of relate... 

We'll see how that goes... I'll blog about it if it goes well or if it completely fails.  But for now, ESL. 

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