Sunday, June 12, 2016

Air Force Base Breakfast

My little sister flies around a lot for her job. She flew in to a base that is about 90 minutes from our house and was there for the breakfast hours. So, we woke up a bit earlier, loaded the boys up, picked up my parent's van (they were out of town and not using it), picked up my other sister and her daughter, and drove up to pick up my little sister for breakfast. We went to Chick-fil-A. 

And there was no on else in the play area, so I let them play. 

The baby taught Martin how to go down the slide. 

And then he didn't stop going down the slide. :) 

It was a busy day. We spent the afternoon playing drums and swimming in the pool at Aunt Anna's. Then Jared and I went to a friend's birthday dinner and the boys played at their Grandparent's house. The boys were exhausted by bedtime. 

We are very grateful for all our family! We love spending time with them. I didn't have any cousins close to my age or living close by when I was growing up. Three of my grandparents died before I was 7. It has been fun to see my children interacting with their grandparents and cousins. 

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