Monday, August 20, 2012


Now that I have some energy and I am not sleeping all the time, I have started looking at quilt patterns again. Here are some of my favorites.

Moda Quilt.  I am not to sold on the fabric choice, but I like the grey background.  I usually use light backgrounds and this makes me rethink some of my other patterns.  I doubt there are ways to go wrong with Moda fabric and quilts.  I love that they give away patterns on their website: Moda Bake Shop. 

More Moda Bake Shop goodness.  I love these fabrics and this pattern.  It looks super simple.  You will probably see this quilt in my near future.

Giant Star Throw.  I am thinking of using this pattern to make a few throw blankets for people to use up some of my fabric.  Of course, it will not be as lightly colored as this fabric, but I like the pattern.

Plus Plus Plus.  I have seen this quilt several places and it has been on my list for a while. It is probably the math person in me that LOVES the way this pattern turns out.

This is made with alternating hot and cold fabrics. I don't think I have enough blues and purples to pull this off. But I am keeping my eyes out for fabric scraps to make this.  If anyone wants to donate little fabric scraps to me, I am always willing to take them.  This is high up on my list of quilts to make.  I just need to fabric. :) But I am not buying any fabric until I use up some of my other fabric.  Thus, this is lower on my list than I would like.


  1. very very cute - can't wait to see them in real life. If I had any little pieces of fabric I'd give them all to you. But I'm just beginning my journey as a crafty seamstress as you know, ha!

  2. I like the Moda Quilt the best; i even like the grey.

    I recently made some more things with my sewing machine: three geese and a throw pillow. My favorite things to sew are the impractical ones, i.e., cute little animals. I think I will leave the precision of quilting to you. You're really good at it!

    p.s. can't wait to meet baby muffin!!

  3. You need to add "mother" to the pictures at the top :>} Stephanie's quilt is beautiful--and I saw crosses, not plus signs :>} Funny! Love you, the Mom

  4. You need to add "mother" to the pictures at the top :>} Stephanie's quilt is beautiful--and I saw crosses, not plus signs :>} Funny! Love you, the Mom

  5. Thanks everyone.

    I will post picturs of the cross/plus quilt as soon as I upload the pictures. :) I have a bunch of quilt pictures that I need to upload.

    Mom, I will update the header someday... ha.


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