Friday, February 19, 2010

I miss not having NBC.   I think that every year the Olympics take place.  Maybe if I watched them I would not enjoy them as much.  

I am reading several good books at work right now, Goforth of China and Stepping Heavenward are at my desk right now.  They are both really interesting and challenging.  Jonathan Goforth was crazy; I wish I were 1/10 as dependable and persevering as him and his wife.  He gave away over half his missionary salary!

I am teaching ESL for the next few weeks for the beggining class.  Please pray for me (and my students).  Numbers have really been declining recently and I would like at least a few students to teach.  I am actaully pretty excited about getting up in front of people again to teach.  I like teaching.  I haven't taught anything since my Chemistry class ended.   We are going to be talking about money and food.  It should be pretty fun.  Prayer is always appreciated. 

You can also pray as I teach a training class at work for our 20+ engineers and help with 3 other classes for manufacturing.  I am not so keen on teaching them especially as a new employee and on a topic that I am not so sure about.  But God is faithful and He will see me through.   I figure chocolate chip cookies can't hurt my cause either.  ha ha.  So I am bringing those along next Thursday to my meeting.  :)


1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! You can do it!!

    I am so happy you're reading Stepping Heavenward! How far are you in it? It's so absolutely amazing. That's a def re-read every year kind of book.


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