Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just in case you weren't planning on coming to Charlie's Aunt... This picture alone should make you want to come. I found this online today. :D I laughed outloud. This is amazing!

And if Matt in a dress isn't enough for some of you... Jared is wearing a tux! And boy does he look incredibly handsome!! However, in honor of Valentine's Day, let me declare that he is all mine and you all can't have him. And I can say that today because I can be all sappy on valentine's day. :D Too bad I haven't spent any of our three valentine's days together. Poor Jared. Someday maybe... ANYHOW, GO SEE THE PLAY!! It will be amazing.


  1. How incredibly sweet. :>) You almost got to spend today together...oh well. Remember your dad's outlook, it's just a day; make them all special. Name some other day valentine's day...

  2. ...but you will get to spend it together?

    Poor Anna feels so out of the loop being away at college.


  3. Hey, that's my work outfit. Every concert, I get to bust out the tails. No gloves though... oh well.

  4. Go ahead, girl-be sappy! Even on other days:-) He looks very handsome(does that make Matt "pretty" in his dress). Can't wait for an evening of "culture"! I think the Harrs and Taylor will have the whole theater!

  5. It is terrific! We went last night for the dress rehearsal and it was fantastic! I can't wait to see it again! And, my daughter did make it home briefly so things do sometimes end up happily ever after...oh, and Jamie, I thought you meant Matt's outfit when I first read your comment :>)


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