Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm auctioning off a wonderful six night, seven day stay with me in Silver Spring! All meals included (or as many as you can find around the house). I will even throw in creepy wind that shakes the house and opens doors that were closed and knocks over things and a radiator that makes strange noises all night long.

Actually, my Mom is coming to stay tonight and tomorrow night with me!!! Woohoo. I am so excited. I am about to die of a heart attack in this old house. It makes the weirdest noises! I could have sworn someone was trying to open my bathroom door yesterday. It banged around and then the door handle rattled. I seriously stood in the bathroom and shook for like five minutes yesterday. The house is great during the day, but at night it is a completely different world. Hooray for my Mother for coming to protect me and cook me meals. :)


  1. we moved into that old shack when i was in the third grade.

  2. I love the house just when there are people around and I am not all by myself. The basement is slightly creepy.

  3. I rebuke scaryness in the name of Jesus! I too have been in creepy old houses and even new apartments where I have prayed for the protection and confidence of the Lord!

  4. Greg blogged. He told me to tell you.

  5. If you're covering travel expenses as well, I'll take it!

  6. i have to admit, i was scared of the basement. one night i woke up back in the farthest corner by the furnace. lord knows how i got there. my bedroom was the one over the garage (what's now called the quilt room). i shared it with my two brothers, michael and david.

  7. !!!
    i'll come stay with ya!!!
    i had no idea you were alone!!

  8. I had the privilege to stay and I had a wonderful time! It was great to connect with Faith and enter into her world just a wee bit. I loved cooking meals for her and sharing meals with her and having little random chats, but most of it was just peace and quiet as she studied/went to class and I planned ESL, wrote some notes, paid some bills for my mom, and READ for pleasure!!! A mini-vacation for me! And just being in the same home as Faith was cool, I can't explain it. I love my children SO much, and after this week's horrors, I want to appreciate everyone more! Carpe diem.


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