Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I have had no time to go get the last couple of things I wanted to at the store. And I have pretty much given up fighting the crowds. So a few of you are going to get late christmas gifts. But I always liked getting late christmas gifts because it made the holidays seem even longer. Maybe I will get all my christmas shopping finished by march. Haha, I'm dreaming. I will have to start in the summer next year. Finding time during this rediculous semester of school was crazy. I don't even want to think about next year. I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I will give you all my leftover textbooks and a few of you will be lucky enough to get some of my notes. :) I am going for a record on how long I can use the same mechanical pencil (so none of you may have that). I'm sure I can get lots of Terp gear for you or something. Go Tar Heels. I feel a little like a traitor going to Maryland. But I will get to see two UNC games in the comcast center!!! Woohoo. Of course this all depends on if they allow me into their school... I sent my application in yesterday. I'm not worried.

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