Monday, November 07, 2005

So we are studying how hard it is to, first of all escape from our planets gravitational pull, and secondly once escaping that field, to be able to take off from a rotation planet and then land on another rotating planet. I mean, you miss by a mile and you can't catch up with a planet with a spaceship. Spaceships do not go that fast. So you are pretty much sunk. So imagine all the work it takes just to figure out how to shoot the rocket and with what speed and angle. Crazy isn't it? MAN! Physics is mindblowing. Insane stuff, insane!!


  1. crazy is the word . . . you physics people are TOO SMART for me!!! glad you are enjoying class!

  2. Creatively lazy is the term that most engineers use. :) Heh. It is the running joke in all my classes.


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