Thursday, September 08, 2005


So, I came in to school early and turned on my computer (well, it isn't mine, but I always sit here during class -- so I have claimed it for mine) and someone had wonderfully installed AOL instant messenger for me. I am so happy. What a blessing. Now when class gets slow and boring I can talk to whomever is on. Woohoo. Anyhow, I just thought that was great.
In other news, yes, the sling comes off in four days!!! How exciting. Time has both gone extremely slowly and very fast. Somedays seemed like they flew by and whole weeks seemed to drag on forever. Time is an odd thing. By the grace of God I have survived without getting to terribly upset with anyone and I should have a better arm for all this discomfort. Haha. Let's hope. PT is going to be quite a trial, but the Lord shall provide. Praise God for people like Hannah who encourage me everytime they see me. What a blessing.
Oh, and in parting I have to say, thanks to Jack for always entertaining me. What Jack says is true (in some ways), "The Harr girls aren't easily impressed." It is normally a joy to know Jack. I praise God for all the people He has brought into my life. Our church family is amazing. I am going to miss them so much when I go away to school next year. However, the Lord shall provide. He always does. I guess I just need to trust Him more. Oh, ye of little faith. It is hard to live up to my name.


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